Ways to donate:
1. Mail in your check or donation to Lake Seminole Presbyterian Church. You can use an envelope we provide or an envelope of your choice.
8505 113th Street, Seminole , Fl 33772
2. Automatic bank transfers
This can be set up through your bank. Donations are automatically made to the church once it is set up. This can be stopped or adjusted at anytime but requires no work once it is set up. We can provide you with our account information if you would like to donate this way. Please contact the church if you would like more information on this.
727-391-5509 or lakeseminolepc@gmail.com
3. Paypal
Please go to Paypal.com
Click set up an account
Once logged in click Send money
Our paypal account is lakeseminolepc@gmail.com
Type in the amount you would like to send
Click send as friends and family
The money will then be sent to our paypal in which we can transfer to our bank automatically.
4. Vanco (donate button on website)
Go to lakeseminolepc.org
Click Give at the top of your screen
Scroll down and click the green donate button
choose donation frequency
choose Donation date
And click continue
Fill out your information along with your credit card information
Finally click process
Then the money will be transferred to our account.