Staff & Session
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Maddox-Hill, Pastor
The Reverend Dr. Stephanie Maddox-Hill became the pastor of our church on August 1, 2023. She is the CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) Coordinator for Advent Health in west Florida. She has served as a parish minister, hospice and behavioral health chaplain, and now teaches what she loves - pastor care.
She is mom of Bobby ad Maddie and spouse of Rev Bob Hill of Hope Presbyterian Church in Clearwater.
She was born in Marianna, Florida, attended Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminar, and has lived in serveral states before moving back to Florida.
Church Staff
The Reverend Dr. Stephanie Maddox-Hill, Pastor
Steve Middents, Church Musician and Choir Director
Vicki Waun/ Pam Williams, Church Treasurer
Victor Warner, Custodian
The Session
Elder Bonnie Cook | Elder Barbara Chaparro
Elder Bonnie Fisher | Elder Gordon Ollsen
Elder Dave Haggadone | Elder Todd Rieman